Racist/Corrupt/Immoral Police Thread.

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Racist/Corrupt/Immoral Police Thread.

Post by marindem01 »

Lawsuit: 1st Black Sheriff In Wyoming Fires Deputy For Racism.

https://apnews.com/article/business-law ... 4efa6aa344.

CHEYENNE, Wyo. (AP) — Wyoming’s first Black sheriff last year fired a white deputy who is accused of tormenting a Black subordinate for years with racist name-calling that led him to quit, a new federal lawsuit reveals.

Albany County Patrol Sgt. Christian Handley once drove past and yelled a profanity and the N-word at Cpl. Jamin Johnson while Johnson and his wife and children were walking out of their home, according to one example of racism alleged in the discrimination lawsuit filed last week.

Mr. Handley later apologized for having not realized that Mr. Johnson’s family was present, as if his vile racism was otherwise acceptable,” the lawsuit says.

Johnson is suing Handley, seeking a jury trial if necessary and damages for the years of racism that he says led up to his decision to quit in 2017.
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Re: Racist/Corrupt/Immoral Police Thread.

Post by marindem01 »

Dallas Police Seen Punching Man Outside Deep Illum Bar In Viral Video Fired.

https://www.wfaa.com/article/news/local ... 66230b31ca.

DALLAS — A Dallas police officer who was seen in a viral video punching a man in Deep Ellum over the summer has been terminated from the department, police confirm.

That officer, Melvin Williams, was fired by Dallas police Chief Eddie Garcia following an administrative hearing, according to the department. A criminal investigation into the officer's involvement in the incident is still ongoing.
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Re: Racist/Corrupt/Immoral Police Thread.

Post by Motor City »

For police to truly serve and protect, action is required
Three cheers to the leaders of the Michigan State Police and the newly elected mayor of Dearborn and its police chief for recognizing and pledging to take affirmative steps to end the disproportionate stopping and ticketing of African American drivers.

Last year I wrote an oped in which I argued that there must be a major effort to fundamentally restructure police departments, so that they actually do what they promise: Serve and protect all people.

While some positive steps are being made, it's clear there is still so much more to be done. Just visit your local traffic or district courts and look at the number of people of color who are there. This is nothing unique to Dearborn or Detroit, or any particular city, but it reflects systemic racism that has existed throughout policing.

Every law enforcement officer is not racist. But as the head of the Michigan State Police said, "Michigan deserves unbiased policing, transparency and accountability from their State Police." Newly elected Dearborn Mayor Abdullah Hammoud argued that "every city and police department must stress the importance of accountability, ethics and equal treatment.".........
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Re: Racist/Corrupt/Immoral Police Thread.

Post by Motor City »

Dont understand why the police created this situation

'Didn't even give him a chance': Minneapolis police 'executed' Amir Locke during no-knock raid, family says
The parents of Amir Locke say he was "executed" after he reached for a weapon he legally owned to protect himself when Minneapolis police officers stormed into an apartment where he was sleeping early Wednesday during a no-knock raid.

Andre Locke told reporters Friday that his 22-year-old son was "startled" and did what "any reasonable law-abiding citizen would do to protect themselves."

"They didn't even give him a chance," said civil rights attorney Ben Crump, who is representing Locke's parents. He said Locke was a licensed gun owner. "We were just flabbergasted at the fact that a man was killed in this way."

In police body camera footage released Thursday, officers are seen quietly opening the door with a key before loudly announcing their presence causing Locke to stir on a couch. Officer Mark Hanneman fired his weapon and bullets struck Locke twice in the chest and once in the wrist. The confrontation lasted less than 10 seconds.

Officers from the Minneapolis Police Department were executing the search warrant before 7 a.m. Wednesday as part of a St. Paul homicide investigation, interim Police Chief Amelia Huffman said during a contentious press conference Thursday. Locke was not listed on the search warrant, she said. .......
And this comes on the heels of Bidens announcement on his plans to overfund police even more at the behest of police executive lobby for creating more of these type situations.
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Re: Racist/Corrupt/Immoral Police Thread.

Post by ap215 »

Hundreds of protestors march through Minneapolis after police shooting of Amir Locke

Hundreds of people gathered in downtown Minneapolis on Saturday to protest following the police shooting of Amir Locke, a 22-year-old Black man who was shot and killed by police during an early morning no-knock warrant raid on Wednesday.

Protesters stood outside the Hennepin County Government Center and demanded Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey's (D) resignation, CBS Minnesota reported. They also pushed for the firing and prosecution of Minneapolis police officer Mark Hanneman, who fatally shot Locke.

https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watc ... e-shooting
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Re: Racist/Corrupt/Immoral Police Thread.

Post by marindem01 »

Texas Lieutenant Governor Patrick Yells At Judge Lina Hildalgo to "Shut UP and Sit Down", at Funeral For Slain Deputy.

https://www.chron.com/politics/article/ ... 831534.php.

hile Texans braced for a winter storm this week with looming fears of another potential collapse of the state's electrical grid, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick had other concerns.

The GOP leader took to Twitter to corroborate claims made in a video posted by the National Fraternal Order of Police that criticized Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo for where she chose to stand during a Tuesday memorial service for slain officer Corporal Charles Galloway. The Harris County Pct. 5 deputy was shot and killed during a traffic stop on Jan. 23.

"This video is 100% accurate," Patric
k said in a tweet Thursday sharing the video. "I was there. What you’ll see is a shocking display of disruptive and disgraceful behavior by @LinaHidalgoTX during the funeral of a peace officer killed in the line of duty. She is unfit for office. The people deserve better."

Judge Hildalgo was senior County Officer attend and she is an officer the court AND a county judge. She had every right to be there and it was her duty to attend.

Patrick was being rude obnoxious asshole.
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Re: Racist/Corrupt/Immoral Police Thread.

Post by Libertas »

I looked at it, this is a GOP con being a vicious fuck because a Latinx Woman DemocratIC person is there and he hates that.

All cons are now official enemies of the human race.
I sigh in your general direction.
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Re: Racist/Corrupt/Immoral Police Thread.

Post by marindem01 »

Federal Woman's Prison In Dublin California Nicknamed "Rape Club": AP Report.

https://www.ktvu.com/news/womens-prison ... estigation.

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Inside one of the only federal women’s prisons in the United States, inmates say they have been subjected to rampant sexual abuse by correctional officers and even the warden, and were often threatened or punished when they tried to speak up.

Prisoners and workers at the federal correctional institution in Dublin, California, even have a name for it: "The rape club."

An Associated Press investigation has found a permissive and toxic culture at the Bay Area lockup, enabling years of sexual misconduct by predatory employees and cover-ups that have largely kept the abuse out of the public eye.

The AP obtained internal federal Bureau of Prisons documents, statements and recordings from inmates, interviewed current and former prison employees and inmates and reviewed thousands of pages of court records from criminal and civil cases involving Dublin prison staff.

The Federal Correctional Institution in Dublin is about 25 Miles-East of San Francisco and one of more notorious former immates was Patty Hearst. While you're not out in the middle of nowhere, you can see it from Dublin.
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Re: Racist/Corrupt/Immoral Police Thread.

Post by Motor City »

What the killing of Amir Locke says about anti-Blackness and gun ownership in America
...As states expanded protections for gun owners, those legal doctrines were applied unevenly. Anderson cited a U.S. Civil Rights Commission Report, which found that white people who killed Black people and used stand your ground laws as a defense were 10 times more likely to be ruled justified than if the shooter was Black and the victim was white......
What I didnt see in the article but think is significant concerning this loss of life of Amir Locke and Breonna Taylors loss of life is that the police in arranging things in this kind of a way make it easy or easier for police to execute the suspect of a crime without a trial to determine innocence or guilt.
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Re: Racist/Corrupt/Immoral Police Thread.

Post by marindem01 »

Officer Placed On Leave After Viral Video Shows Him Choking Black Purdue Student.

https://www.huffpost.com/entry/purdue-u ... 24afc801af.

A video of a Purdue campus police officer accused of using excessive force is under investigation after he was seen forcefully pressing his arms against a student’s neck. The officer has been placed on leave, campus police told HuffPost.

The officer, Jon Selke, identified to HuffPost by Purdue University police, was shown in footage pinning Purdue University student Adonis Tuggle to the ground against a mound of snow during the night of Feb. 4.
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Re: Racist/Corrupt/Immoral Police Thread.

Post by carmenjonze »

marindem01 wrote: Sun Feb 13, 2022 12:38 pm Officer Placed On Leave After Viral Video Shows Him Choking Black Purdue Student.

https://www.huffpost.com/entry/purdue-u ... 24afc801af.

A video of a Purdue campus police officer accused of using excessive force is under investigation after he was seen forcefully pressing his arms against a student’s neck. The officer has been placed on leave, campus police told HuffPost.

The officer, Jon Selke, identified to HuffPost by Purdue University police, was shown in footage pinning Purdue University student Adonis Tuggle to the ground against a mound of snow during the night of Feb. 4.
He even looks like a genuine Nazi.

Still on payroll, still racking up pension points, though.

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Re: Racist/Corrupt/Immoral Police Thread.

Post by carmenjonze »

Can't reform this.

San Francisco police linked a woman to a crime using DNA from her rape exam, D.A. Boudin says - SF Chronicle
The San Francisco police crime lab has been entering sexual assault victims’ DNA profiles in a database used to identify suspects in crimes, District Attorney Chesa Boudin said Monday, an allegation that raises legal and ethical questions regarding the privacy rights of victims.

Boudin said his office was made aware of the purported practice last week, after a woman’s DNA collected years ago as part of a rape exam was used to link her to a recent property crime.

If DNA from a rape kit were used without consent for purposes other than investigating the underlying rape case, it may be a violation of constitutional protections against unreasonable searches and seizures as well as California’s Victims’ Bill of Rights, Boudin said.

Such a practice could also create another deterrent to sexual assault victims coming forward with allegations that are already underreported to law enforcement.

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Re: Racist/Corrupt/Immoral Police Thread.

Post by marindem01 »

Victimizing the Victim. Apparently neither S.F.P.D. Bill Scott or S.F.D.A. Chesa Boudin knew of this practice. This could be violation of the 4th. Amendment against Unlaw Search and Seizure. This happens at a time when Chief Scott is warring with D.A. Boudin over Officer Conduct.

Heads must roll.
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Re: Racist/Corrupt/Immoral Police Thread.

Post by Glennfs »

marindem01 wrote: Tue Feb 15, 2022 10:06 am Victimizing the Victim. Apparently neither S.F.P.D. Bill Scott or S.F.D.A. Chesa Boudin knew of this practice. This could be violation of the 4th. Amendment against Unlaw Search and Seizure. This happens at a time when Chief Scott is warring with D.A. Boudin over Officer Conduct.

Heads must roll.
Really you don't think it is a good thing that a criminal is now off the streets
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Re: Racist/Corrupt/Immoral Police Thread.

Post by marindem01 »

Chief Scott claims he did not/does not know about this. Well, someone high up on the Command Staff of S.F.P.D. did know. This kind action does not take place in a vaccum. And as far as I am concerned, Scott is the man in charge, he is responsible for actions for those under his command. Scott and whatever idiot thought this up, they must be fired.
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Re: Racist/Corrupt/Immoral Police Thread.

Post by ProfX »

Getting criminals "off the streets" in a way that is lawful and respects fundamental civil liberties and rights is what separates a free society from a police state.
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Re: Racist/Corrupt/Immoral Police Thread.

Post by marindem01 »

Glennfs wrote: Tue Feb 15, 2022 3:52 pm Really you don't think it is a good thing that a criminal is now off the streets
The Woman is a victim of rape. The rape kit was to be used by the Police to find the man who attacked. S.F.P.D. illegally and without the Woman's prior knowledge, entered her D.NA. in a database. It's call Unreasonable Search and Seizure and is a violation of the Woman's Fourth Amendment Rights guarding against such Search and Seizure.

The Constitution is there for everyone Glenn. The Police knowingly and willingly put her D.N.A. in database, without her permission or knowledge. She had a reasonable expetation of privacy, the S.F.P.D. violated that expectation of privacy. They had zero probable to put her D.N.A. in the data base.
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Re: Racist/Corrupt/Immoral Police Thread.

Post by carmenjonze »

Glennfs wrote: Tue Feb 15, 2022 3:52 pm Really you don't think it is a good thing that a criminal is now off the streets

Hey, I get that you conservative/misogynist men like you do not support political and physical autonomy for either cis or trans women. But rape is the crime in question here.

Or, perhaps you don't think rape is a crime, dunno.

I do get that misogynists everywhere feel vindicated that the person who raped a woman is still on the streets of my city. Are you going to ask what she was wearing, next?

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Re: Racist/Corrupt/Immoral Police Thread.

Post by carmenjonze »

marindem01 wrote: Tue Feb 15, 2022 4:33 pm The Woman is a victim of rape.
No woman who is raped is a victim, according to a lot these conservative males.

The woman or girl either wanted it, or it was some supposed act of "love," or a so-called "crime of passion," and the're very quick to tell you that the rapist is actually the victim.

We see this over and over and over with these rich grown men entertainers found to be raping young girls and young boys, then claiming how they were the ones who were tricked and bamboozled into it. :problem:
She had a reasonable expetation of privacy, the S.F.P.D. violated that expectation of privacy.
Authoritarians have a really hard time with this concept, which is why people like Glennfs are anti-Griswold v. Connecticut, and anti-Roe v Wade.

The very idea of any woman or girl out from under their whims, trans or not, cis or not, is terrifying to them.

Especially their sexual and physical whims.
Last edited by carmenjonze on Tue Feb 15, 2022 4:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Racist/Corrupt/Immoral Police Thread.

Post by gounion »

Glennfs wrote: Tue Feb 15, 2022 3:52 pm Really you don't think it is a good thing that a criminal is now off the streets
What if the criminal is a cop?
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Re: Racist/Corrupt/Immoral Police Thread.

Post by carmenjonze »

gounion wrote: Tue Feb 15, 2022 4:54 pm What if the criminal is a cop?
Conservatives and other authoritarian people whose way of life is built on compulsion and force are very freaked out by the idea of consent.

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Re: Racist/Corrupt/Immoral Police Thread.

Post by carmenjonze »

Worth it to add: Glennfs said the same thing about George Floyd.

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Re: Racist/Corrupt/Immoral Police Thread.

Post by marindem01 »

carmenjonze wrote: Tue Feb 15, 2022 4:41 pm:?Or, perhaps you don't think rape is a crime, dunno.
We already know Glenn's view on rape, semen has to running down the Woman's leg before he will believe her.

Glenn, she was raped. She was the victim. Do YOU get that?
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Re: Racist/Corrupt/Immoral Police Thread.

Post by marindem01 »

KTVU News is reporting that District Attorney Chesa Boudin is dropping charges against the rape victim who was linked by her rape kit D.N.A. to a property crime.

https://www.ktvu.com/news/san-francisco ... lab-report

I applaud the D.A. this is right thing to do. S.F.P.D. victimized the rape victim. Possbile violations of the 4th. Amendment. Jeez, the Command Staff of S.F.P.D. must be held accountable.
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Re: Racist/Corrupt/Immoral Police Thread.

Post by gounion »

carmenjonze wrote: Tue Feb 15, 2022 5:13 pm Worth it to add: Glennfs said the same thing about George Floyd.
Yep George Floyd was a criminal that would still be alive if he obeyed the law and the Police.
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