Cant do polls here? When will twitter reinstate the fascist traitor?

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Cant do polls here? When will twitter reinstate the fascist traitor?

Post by Libertas »

If I could do a poll on this it would be worded like this:

When will Twitter reinstate Trump, or as we all know him, the fascist traitor:

A. Never

B. The day after he announces he is running for prez again which will be sometime next year before the Nov election, with the excuse that as the candidate of one of the two parties they cant exclude him

C. Sometime after the November election using the same excuse listed above because he has announced to run again

Why is this important? Because he can order his minions, his idiots to do this or that at anytime during the next coup. Without twitter, it is hard for him to do it. If twitter does this as I predict, it will be the nail in the coffin of America.
I sigh in your general direction.
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